To have the cognitive abilities to do research and development is vital to a forever expanding world.For it is important that this takes place or there would be no expanding in businesses and other important industries to do with technologies.Gary F Evans...
Gary F Evans...
Related To believe in something can be inspiration for many people .To believe is to have faith in what you ... GARY F EVANS... To believe in your self is to have faith in everything you do .If you do not have faith,then your se... GARY F EVANS... Loves definition is when two worlds collide and cause an explosion so big it would be mistaken for a... GARY F EVANS... To be street smart it takes respect of a persons ability to control their emotional state and to kno... GARY F EVANS... To the people i can only say one thing ,if you have fallen out or argued with your father make up wi... GARY F EVANS... To know oneself is to have self control of your own feelings and actions for these alone are the bui... GARY F EVANS... To be inspired by an idea is like having the rush of balance while calming your self with a session ... GARY F EVANS... The quest of the Inner Ring will break your hearts unless you break it. But if you break it, a surpr... C.S. LEWIS Most powerful of all powers in its holy insinuation is _being_. _To be_ is more powerful than even _... GEORGE MACDONALD We have found through our research and knowledge that spacetime is controlled or moves on a superflu... GARY F EVANS... We would not no that if we look at a candle it is kept alive by the richness of air .We do not even ... GARY F EVANS... Everybody would like to be remembered, the catch is do you want to be remembered for all the wrong r... GARY F EVANS... It is hard to believe that if a public swimming pool had no chlorine in it the dirt and germs in it ... GARY F EVANS... When going through life we cannot ignore the lessons that life puts down .Or we will forever make th... GARY F EVANS... If we concentrated on how to fix our problems there would be fewer arguments and more solutions.Gary... GARY F EVANS... When we have a true sense of what psychology is we can then see why it gives us an insight not only ... GARY F EVANS... If we all took a minute to reflect upon the wrong we do we would be quite surprised or shocked.Inste... GARY F EVANS... People who criticise other people about everything they do are hypocrites them selves and to be a hy... GARY F EVANS... Is the delicious cake half eaten or half whole.Gary F Evans... GARY F EVANS... If we ever put research into what the subconscious is we could probably come to the conclusion that ... GARY F EVANS... IF you want to no how someone feels if they have any illness no matter how severe it is .The only wa... GARY F EVANS... Trying to control someone is like trying to control a bull in an china shop ,so instead of controlli... GARY F EVANS... Life is a testing ground from which we are Judged from in our passing, it is the things that we do i... GARY F EVANS... To know wisdom is to be all knowledgeable ,to use that knowledge for the greater good is to no that ... GARY F EVANS... To have hope in an age where hope is very scarce and hurt, jealousy and pain are more prominent is a... GARY F EVANS... Life is a canvas it starts off plain and simple to become your own masterpiece.Gary F Evans... GARY F EVANS... Empathic people are not weak but have an understanding of one main and important emotion.Empathy is ... GARY F EVANS... Sometimes in life people are so quick to judge if you are this or that .Be true and be who you are a... GARY F EVANS... When push comes to shove would people do what they felt was right, to get justice done or would they... GARY F EVANS... They say in heaven love comes first, but even though it is a beautiful and powerful emotion does it ... GARY F EVANS... To search the sands of a lost desert for truth and justice in this world today you might as well be ... GARY F EVANS... When life has its ups and downs like a yo-yo the only thing that we can try our best to do is get it... GARY F EVANS... WHY is the universal unanswered question that nobody can find the solution to find.So if WHY is so m... GARY F EVANS... People in life should not judge other people whoever they are whatever they do there religion or cre... GARY F EVANS... If at any time someone is annoyed about something do not shun them try and understand them it helps.... GARY F EVANS... Friendship is a double-edged sword one side it can be great and true but the other side it spells be... GARY F EVANS... To know that you have a cross that is not only heavy to carry but painful, the best thing to do no m... GARY F EVANS... If you have a theory about something, do not keep it to yourself. If you do the possibilities of it ... GARY F EVANS... To have time as an ally it must firstly be understood and respected,without time we have no way forw... GARY F EVANS... When you grow up there are things that you would love to do make your father proud is one and have f... GARY F EVANS... When you deceive someone or somebody,its like putting on another face to make that person think you ... GARY F EVANS... Are we defined by the good that history has told us or are we lead astray by lies and deceit, so as ... GARY F EVANS... When voyaging through time in our lives we only see our mistakes and our faults later on, hyndsight ... GARY F EVANS... To find that things are never what they seem no matter what way you look at it is an eye opener inde... GARY F EVANS... To be stabbed in the back by a person who appears to be good but has a cloak and dagger routine is d... GARY F EVANS... Do no look for that ideal person to be with, be that ideal person. JEFFREY FRY People who are greedy and corrupt with money or the thought of money are only doing damage to each o... GARY F EVANS... In life, we always try to look for things in life to be an example when we try to describe a meaning... GARY F EVANS... Where would we all be if we had no music in our lives .Millions of people would be lost and the worl... GARY F EVANS... To say to that you will never forget ,is always a sincere and an honest way to express ones self to ... GARY F EVANS... The functionality of a leader is to lead and be a good leader so people can look to you for the way ... GARY F EVANS... When going on the journey of life we should always put caution to the wind and have strength in ever... GARY F EVANS... The minute we think that evil is something that happens to other people and not to us, that is when ... GARY F EVANS... To be, or not to be, that is the question. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE How are you expected to love life, if life does not love you in return.All we can do is clear away t... GARY F EVANS... If real love comes knocking do not ignore it invite it in, because it might never come again.Gary F ... GARY F EVANS... Life is a tightrope to keep your balance you have to keep on going. If you fall off it is game over.... GARY F EVANS... Sometimes all it takes is for a person to listen to make you feel better, it is harder when that per... GARY F EVANS... Happiness is a rare and precious commodity that cannot be bought through money or having objects no ... GARY F EVANS... If animals are on this earth they have earned the right to be there through survival and humans can ... GARY F EVANS... If you can put your mind to it anything can be achieved but to pull something out of nothing althoug... GARY F EVANS... 37. It is better to be single and unhappy than unhappily married. JAMES C. DOBSON When we look it is always forward ,but if we did not think of the past at all we would not be able t... GARY F EVANS... Is pain a state of mind or can there be more to it than what there seems to be? i would say yes if w... GARY F EVANS... Just because one bad apple is rotten it shouldn't or doesn't mean that the rest of the crate is too.... GARY F EVANS... There is never a truer saying with significance said than we return to the earth from whence we came... GARY F EVANS... Life is a long road or it can also be a short one its what you do in your life that will define you ... GARY F EVANS... People take life to much for granted with every sway of a clock pendulum time clicks away and is was... GARY F EVANS... To be in a state to love trance so much trance must be in your heart, mind and soul the music its se... GARY F EVANS... When you throw a pebble across a lake or a loch do you ever stop to think why it skims the surface o... GARY F EVANS... If there is one thing in life i am thankful for and that is to no what love is and if someone gives ... GARY F EVANS... Each day I will accomplish one thing on my to do list. LAILAH GIFTY AKITA Do we really understand what time is and how big a role it plays in our day to day lives?no, we don'... GARY F EVANS... If we all used knowledge for what it was always intended for we would be a brighter more wiser and g... GARY F EVANS... To have the guts to say what needs to be said means that people care enough to say it. It is when pe... GARY F EVANS... Once i thought that i had the ocean to swim in, now well it seems that i will be lucky to have a sea... GARY F EVANS... To have the strength to go and fulfil your hopes and dreams is an aim worth your while indeed, but i... GARY F EVANS... To be free from control is like to have a heavy cross to carry one moment then tossing it aside the ... GARY F EVANS... The worst type of bullies are the cowards that get other people to do their dirty work for them. The... GARY F EVANS... Have the thought process to understand a situation that is not right is called not jumping to conclu... GARY F EVANS... Music is key to solve the riddle of being a calmer self.Its tunes play havoc with our senses and end... GARY F EVANS... Patience is to be respected and if you respect it WAIT! and time will reward you with what you are w... GARY F EVANS... If our mind was an ocean then every now and then we would have the perfect storm happening in it.Gar... GARY F EVANS... Gravity is something that people take for granted ,but you would not no that it was generated by the... GARY F EVANS... There is an element of disappointment when we come to expect something, so for the answer is clear d... GARY F EVANS... Your "Not To Do" list is also important. MANI S. SIVASUBRAMANIAN Do we know that when we are in a bad mood it can be contagious like throwing a pebble into the water... GARY F EVANS... To be or not to be. That's not really a question. JEAN-LUC GODARD The purpose of these conferences is basically economic development, and to attract new businesses wh... JUAN GONZALEZ To have a pet in the family is to invite good health into your lives.It brings happiness to all and ... GARY F EVANS... My woman is as beautiful to me as a supernova in space with no end.The light she emits is pure and s... GARY F EVANS... To have seen the country's and been the places i have been to i always took it for granted.Now i rea... GARY F EVANS... Yes! Very funny this terrible thing is. A man that is born falls into a dream like a man who falls i... JOSEPH CONRAD To be able to have the power of anticipation, and foresight can be a very good strategical advantage... GARY F EVANS... A godmother is always there and genuine.The help she has given will never be forgotten but will glis... GARY F EVANS... There is a difference between what horrible events in life have, you can either grow stronger from i... GARY F EVANS... If jealousy and greed were to be described it would be a box of nails, when the nails out of that bo... GARY F EVANS... The more money we have the less we appreciate what we have.Gary F Evans... GARY F EVANS... In my study, there are stacks of papers to grade, books I should have read & reviewed months ago... JESS ROW To date or not to date that is the question. It's almost as important as Shakespeare's to be... AL GOLDSTEIN
More Gary F Evans...
If we new how precious our lives were we would never make the same mistakes ,its only at the end tha... GARY F EVANS... To be able to take the stress and strain of life is hard but to keep going and never be broken is a ... GARY F EVANS... Standards are when a person stands by what they say with dignity and virtue no matter what any body ... GARY F EVANS... People who think they are perfect in every way are less perfect that any people in the whole world.W... GARY F EVANS... When you have the strength to stand up for yourself ,the ones you love and the dignity and honor to ... GARY F EVANS... If i had a drop of water for every time a lie was said i would have my own personal ocean with an ab... GARY F EVANS... The worst type of bullies are the cowards that get other people to do their dirty work for them. The... GARY F EVANS... If we all used knowledge for what it was always intended for we would be a brighter more wiser and g... GARY F EVANS... All the normal people of the ages and generations that contribute to helping and doing their bit for... GARY F EVANS... We all want to trust someone ,but we all think that what we see is real and the truth but if we trul... GARY F EVANS... If at any time someone is annoyed about something do not shun them try and understand them it helps.... GARY F EVANS... If we all look at life we think how nice, then we look at death and everybody goes oh you can say th... GARY F EVANS... Just because one bad apple is rotten it shouldn't or doesn't mean that the rest of the crate is too.... GARY F EVANS... When we take a look at our lives what do we see regret or satisfaction? If we do not make rash decis... GARY F EVANS... One day there was a fly and a feather fly said to the feather buzzing about i am better than you are... GARY F EVANS... When one gets to know what the meaning of life is, life takes a whole new meaning.It makes us see li... GARY F EVANS... When going on the journey of life we should always put caution to the wind and have strength in ever... GARY F EVANS... To see the world for what it truly is ,will give you a whole new perspective of life ,its like being... GARY F EVANS... It is just as well we cannot see what the future holds because if we did we would most definitely ch... GARY F EVANS... To be stabbed in the back by a person who appears to be good but has a cloak and dagger routine is d... GARY F EVANS... One day mouse was hungry it went out and saw some tasty cheese so he took it. It done that same thin... GARY F EVANS... In the past, there have been bad evil liars throughout time they become people that you eventually d... GARY F EVANS... Everyday people all over the world take advantage of life, they abuse it and dice with it.Life is so... GARY F EVANS... They say in heaven love comes first, but even though it is a beautiful and powerful emotion does it ... GARY F EVANS... Time is always moving and as it moves day night, night day the motion of time is clear, to many peop... GARY F EVANS... If we could have the ability to change the past and right our wrongs would it make us learn from any... GARY F EVANS... When we cut down an destroy rain forests we are not only killing living things that have been on thi... GARY F EVANS... To have the comfort of sharing and laughing with genuine people who actually care is like taking a n... GARY F EVANS... When you leave school with no Qualifications it does not mean that you will not get a good job.All t... GARY F EVANS... Life is a game that has to be played, the way the game turns out is up to you.As soon as you start i... GARY F EVANS... If we look at happiness what do we actually see? Someone complaining about the wrong colour of paint... GARY F EVANS... To be street smart it takes respect of a persons ability to control their emotional state and to kno... GARY F EVANS... To have a conflict of a decision within yourself, no matter how trivial can sometimes lead you to ch... GARY F EVANS... Money is a commodity that gets us through our lives why we become so corrupt and greedy over it i do... GARY F EVANS... One day a small monkey was always getting ignored by the other monkeys ,so to get attention he said ... GARY F EVANS... If you do not know what something is, you cannot be grumpy at not being able to solve it.Like a cave... GARY F EVANS... To have time as an ally it must firstly be understood and respected,without time we have no way forw... GARY F EVANS... Why live for tomorrow like a fool when tomorrow is not here yet.Live for the day like a wise individ... GARY F EVANS... When you look at the world through a window it looks so peaceful and harmless ,but looks can be very... GARY F EVANS... When we hear of people not surviving in this world it should make us more glad that we are alive .We... GARY F EVANS... Life gives us lessons to learn and if we dont learn those lessons we will keep going round in circle... GARY F EVANS... Could it be possible for humanity to put their differences aside for the survival of our species, un... GARY F EVANS... A godmother is always there and genuine.The help she has given will never be forgotten but will glis... GARY F EVANS... If we concentrated on how to fix our problems there would be fewer arguments and more solutions.Gary... GARY F EVANS... When we take a photo of something we never take into consideration what makes our pictures go out of... GARY F EVANS... If you love someone you must set them free like the wind and give them the respect they deserve.If y... GARY F EVANS... Life is a testing ground from which we are Judged from in our passing, it is the things that we do i... GARY F EVANS... Are we defined by the good that history has told us or are we lead astray by lies and deceit, so as ... GARY F EVANS... It is hard to believe that if a public swimming pool had no chlorine in it the dirt and germs in it ... GARY F EVANS... Honesty,moral standards ,and principles all partner up with truth be the best you can be. In this wo... GARY F EVANS... To find that things are never what they seem no matter what way you look at it is an eye opener inde... GARY F EVANS... In this wonderful world of ours, we are all actors and actresses in our own right.Though it is real ... GARY F EVANS... Do we really understand what time is and how big a role it plays in our day to day lives?no, we don'... GARY F EVANS... To have the strength to go and fulfil your hopes and dreams is an aim worth your while indeed, but i... GARY F EVANS... If our eyes were fully attuned like a camera or better the wanders that we would actually see would ... GARY F EVANS... We say that we have sight but if we have sight and we can really see we choose to ignore the truth t... GARY F EVANS... IF you want to no how someone feels if they have any illness no matter how severe it is .The only wa... GARY F EVANS... If you look at a stream or river and close your eyes it will be amazing the flow of ideas that will ... GARY F EVANS... When out in the world things are never what they seem to be, the world looks so peaceful when lookin... GARY F EVANS... The pressure of life can get so demanding that the brain feels like a crumpled tin can, the demandin... GARY F EVANS... Empathic people are not weak but have an understanding of one main and important emotion.Empathy is ... GARY F EVANS... To go on the journey of life there are things you have to be ready for whether you are young or old ... GARY F EVANS... To have the guts to say what needs to be said means that people care enough to say it. It is when pe... GARY F EVANS... Patience is to be respected and if you respect it WAIT! and time will reward you with what you are w... GARY F EVANS... Imagine life as a game, a game that is filled with obstacles and hazards to overcome but sometimes y... GARY F EVANS... When a small fish was in a pond swimming about he came across a rock with an opening with out a thou... GARY F EVANS... When carrying the burden of problems and stress that life seems to endlessly hurtle towards us. We g... GARY F EVANS... When you come up against any type of bullies whether it be physical or psychological they all look f... GARY F EVANS... What is the point of having beautiful architecture on buildings when no one bothers to look up ,but ... GARY F EVANS... When you have been through and suffered pain constantly you see and notice the pain that others go t... GARY F EVANS... When we have a true sense of what psychology is we can then see why it gives us an insight not only ... GARY F EVANS... If life gives you the cold then only love can be the cure.Gary F Evans... GARY F EVANS... Betrayal can be a double edged sword , you can get stabbed in the back and manipulated by it.On the ... GARY F EVANS... We all have an old house because of the things we have done in the past.We also have ghosts haunting... GARY F EVANS... To say to that you will never forget ,is always a sincere and an honest way to express ones self to ... GARY F EVANS... When we look at the sky on a clear sunny day we see a lovely blue, and then at night, we would then ... GARY F EVANS... An estranged family is a taboo word that nobody speaks about.Because they do not want it to exist, b... GARY F EVANS... When we think of the sun and the moon we think of day and night .If we thought for a second we would... GARY F EVANS... It makes no sense why nature shows its teeth but when it does there are always victims collateral da... GARY F EVANS... Life is a tightrope to keep your balance you have to keep on going. If you fall off it is game over.... GARY F EVANS... To have inner strength and confidence but to care about what is happening in the world, is a concoct... GARY F EVANS... To believe in something can be inspiration for many people .To believe is to have faith in what you ... GARY F EVANS... To free your mind from lies and deceit you have to open your mind to the possibilities of everything... GARY F EVANS... If you ignore your own health then you are on a cliffs edge to oblivion if you fall off then their i... GARY F EVANS... We are all made to believe that death is a black shadowy figure with a cloak and scythe, what if we ... GARY F EVANS... The road to salvation is filled with many false dark turn-offs, if you take those roads they will le... GARY F EVANS... When we think about having revenge on someone as much as half the time they probably deserve it.The ... GARY F EVANS... Why do we fall down? so we can rise up and become stronger, better, people than we were before we fe... GARY F EVANS... If people want attention they go to all lengths to try and get it,then once they think they have don... GARY F EVANS... According to Newtonian 3rd law in physics life, nature all that we do is governed by a equal or oppo... GARY F EVANS... If we look about on the social network today people are too guarded by there phones and technology. ... GARY F EVANS... To the people i can only say one thing ,if you have fallen out or argued with your father make up wi... GARY F EVANS... If we all took a minute to reflect upon the wrong we do we would be quite surprised or shocked.Inste... GARY F EVANS... If you find out that people that once were in your life are evil you dont take matters into your own... GARY F EVANS... Happiness is a natural emotion but people think they can get happiness through objects and money but... GARY F EVANS... To make an argument worse the last thing to do is argue back.For it is like a stick twisting into a ... GARY F EVANS... To be inspired by an idea is like having the rush of balance while calming your self with a session ... GARY F EVANS... If jealousy and greed were to be described it would be a box of nails, when the nails out of that bo... GARY F EVANS... If tomorrow was yesterday then yesterday would be tomorrow, if we think about the past why not think... GARY F EVANS... Who would i be today if i did not learn the lessons that life gives, to have the strength against al... GARY F EVANS... In your dreams, you will find in the ocean of your memory that people from the past will come and vi... GARY F EVANS... Free your mind, free your soul.Open your mind to the possibility's of the truth and the truth shall ... GARY F EVANS... A fly thinks it is smarter than a human if you want to kill a fly don't just smack it sneak behind i... GARY F EVANS... Starwars is a phenomenon that deserves respect to come from a New Hope to the Last Jedi is such an a... GARY F EVANS... When push comes to shove would people do what they felt was right, to get justice done or would they... GARY F EVANS... Everybody would like to be remembered, the catch is do you want to be remembered for all the wrong r... GARY F EVANS... To forgive someone is all good but if you do that to certain people they just keep doing the same th... GARY F EVANS... To make possible the facts of one's self and combine it with the energy and reality of life. The bir... GARY F EVANS... When you grow up there are things that you would love to do make your father proud is one and have f... GARY F EVANS... In every passing moment that is not appreciated time cannot give it back to you. So in moments of id... GARY F EVANS... When we are hypnotized by the very presence of beauty it will not only feel good within but to the p... GARY F EVANS... If you want to survive in this world open your eyes and realise who and what is out there because if... GARY F EVANS... Jealousy Is a strange but dark emotion eating at your very inner self if we let it, it will eventual... GARY F EVANS... Happiness is a rare and precious commodity that cannot be bought through money or having objects no ... GARY F EVANS... Life is a long road or it can also be a short one its what you do in your life that will define you ... GARY F EVANS... Big boats that carry people,are just as vulnerable a the smaller ones if it is hit by a big wave at ... GARY F EVANS... People who like to control others only do so because they are weak and want to feel good picking on ... GARY F EVANS... Knowledge can bear the fruit of wisdom but it can be poison to the mind if given to the wrong person... GARY F EVANS... The events that happen in our lives make us who we are ,we can either give in to them and let them w... GARY F EVANS... To have seen the country's and been the places i have been to i always took it for granted.Now i rea... GARY F EVANS... There is never a truer saying with significance said than we return to the earth from whence we came... GARY F EVANS... Being who you are instead of being someone you are not will mean that you don't have to hide and be ... GARY F EVANS... The minute we think that evil is something that happens to other people and not to us, that is when ... GARY F EVANS... To water i give this dedication as one of the main elements it is thee element of life .Where water ... GARY F EVANS... People who are greedy and corrupt with money or the thought of money are only doing damage to each o... GARY F EVANS... Time is Eternal. Time is what governs us our existence whether in space or hear, so how can time be ... GARY F EVANS... To have a calm logical approach to things can be worth its wait in gold if you have the patience for... GARY F EVANS... The sound of the sea is so calming and relaxing that it will make you want to close your eyes and fo... GARY F EVANS... If we do not understand something we pretend it does not exist .Pretending that something does not e... GARY F EVANS... If you think that life is a celebration full of party poppers and merry go rounds it's not it's a ga... GARY F EVANS... From Glasgow to Sydney and back again sooner or later the earth will turn from point A to point B an... GARY F EVANS... Respect is something that needs time to grow like trust it has to start off from some where.Like a n... GARY F EVANS... When we look at earth laws of gravity, Newtonian Law describes that if an apple were thrown up, it w... GARY F EVANS... When you deceive someone or somebody,its like putting on another face to make that person think you ... GARY F EVANS... Is the delicious cake half eaten or half whole.Gary F Evans... GARY F EVANS... When in life we all have our troubles and they seem to be on top of us, we try to think of something... GARY F EVANS... To have hope in an age where hope is very scarce and hurt, jealousy and pain are more prominent is a... GARY F EVANS... People who pretend to be your friend lead you up a garden path by saying everything that you want to... GARY F EVANS... For this, i give a remembrance to the baby that did not make it to this world. For although i am who... GARY F EVANS... Do we get noticed for the bad we do or do we ever get credit for the better qualities we have such a... GARY F EVANS... When voyaging through time in our lives we only see our mistakes and our faults later on, hyndsight ... GARY F EVANS... People always look for perfection in their selves but how can you be perfect if no person is, you ca... GARY F EVANS... We have now reached hypersonic speed technological advances have excelled since the sixties in 20 ye... GARY F EVANS... One day in fridge their was a empty milk carton and a half full milk carton.The half full milk carto... GARY F EVANS... Having an understanding of your partner will help you in the right direction to a stronger relations... GARY F EVANS... To no who you really are in self-actualization you will not only no yourself from a physical point o... GARY F EVANS... Logic dictates that if we see fire we put it out with water. But there are a lot of people in this w... GARY F EVANS... In the beginning, there was nothing and from nothing came our species then behold the dawn of music.... GARY F EVANS... When we think about time we worry ,so instead of worrying about time make it our friend not our foe ... GARY F EVANS... If you have the will to accumulate knowledge it has to be used in the way it was intended to be used... GARY F EVANS... If we ever put research into what the subconscious is we could probably come to the conclusion that ... GARY F EVANS... Imagination is like hearing an outstanding trance tune for the first time and buying a trance album ... GARY F EVANS... Three evil little pigs were out one day and saw that the wolf was happy he even had a wife .They wer... GARY F EVANS... When the rain of loneliness falls down on us, the only thing that we can do to get us through is put... GARY F EVANS... When we put LIVE backwards it spells EVIL, interesting how one word can have two totally opposing me... GARY F EVANS... To wander about the unknown helps to give our curiosity a good wrestle, to have a curious mind is ve... GARY F EVANS... Do we know that when we are in a bad mood it can be contagious like throwing a pebble into the water... GARY F EVANS... Trying to control someone is like trying to control a bull in an china shop ,so instead of controlli... GARY F EVANS... One day a snail was going along a garden path on a sunny day ,when he suddenly heard a voice from th... GARY F EVANS... If there is one thing in life i am thankful for and that is to no what love is and if someone gives ... GARY F EVANS... The tree of life is made of purity, eternity and has the bark of wisdom and enlightenment.With its b... GARY F EVANS... The voice of truth is found speaking out all over the world, but if you listen there are voices of l... GARY F EVANS... people think that love is a one faced emotional phenomenon but the truth of the matter is that it ha... GARY F EVANS... In life we have choices, and depending on the choices we all make will determine our final path, roa... GARY F EVANS... Is having a best friend a state of mind because to be realistic where are the people that are best f... GARY F EVANS... Life is a jungle that is full off predators and while you are lost in that dense jungle fate is your... GARY F EVANS... To be pure of heart is to be pure of soul and if your heart and soul are at peace and are in perfect... GARY F EVANS... A family is like a card game, on one hand, you can get a really bad hand and on the other, your hand... GARY F EVANS... People go all over the globe looking for the love of there life when all along that person is right ... GARY F EVANS... We would not no that if we look at a candle it is kept alive by the richness of air .We do not even ... GARY F EVANS... In life, it is not a case of what you want but more like what you would like in a case of any decisi... GARY F EVANS... It is so fascinating that when after a hard stressful day we calm our mind and release the stress fr... GARY F EVANS... Where would we all be if we had no music in our lives .Millions of people would be lost and the worl... GARY F EVANS... Water is so much like space that because we cannot breathe in it and we have weightlessness in it. A... GARY F EVANS... If someone is having problems it does not matter who they are, a lot of the time they do not wish to... GARY F EVANS... History is made so that we can learn from it but like all lessons in life, if they are not learned w... GARY F EVANS... Sometimes all it takes is for a person to listen to make you feel better, it is harder when that per... GARY F EVANS... Life is a canvas it starts off plain and simple to become your own masterpiece.Gary F Evans... GARY F EVANS... Some people if they see a person under a lot of pressure they push them so hard with no thought of t... GARY F EVANS... There were things i never said to my dad, i always regret never saying.I never told my father that i... GARY F EVANS... When people are arrogant they seem to loose focus on their actions and what they say.But if keep our... GARY F EVANS... When William Shake Spear wrote the phrase spoken by Mark Antony act3. (Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Do... GARY F EVANS... Who would have thought that before our technological advancements a man came out with another theory... GARY F EVANS... Music is key to solve the riddle of being a calmer self.Its tunes play havoc with our senses and end... GARY F EVANS... If you are in love it means out of all the riches and jewels in the world you have found the most pr... GARY F EVANS... To go on a roller coaster of life sometimes the downs are scarier than the ups. But when the ups com... GARY F EVANS... Life is like a seesaw you can be up hi one minute then before you know it you can be down low the ne... GARY F EVANS... How can we not open our minds to see that what happens when our time comes to move on from this worl... GARY F EVANS... To have what it takes to say what needs to be said and to do what needs to be done, you have to know... GARY F EVANS... Life is like a game of cards ,how you play your cards will determine weather you make it to the next... GARY F EVANS... Can the mist of fantasy actually unveil reality or is our perception of reality just a unveiled mist... GARY F EVANS... To be in a time of technological change and advancement is an awesome thought indeed as long as it i... GARY F EVANS... When we go to do something that we think is the right thing to do.We sometimes can find that we look... GARY F EVANS... Once i thought that i had the ocean to swim in, now well it seems that i will be lucky to have a sea... GARY F EVANS... To have a philosophical view on what time is, we would have to go outside the box and look at the bi... GARY F EVANS... To be able to have the power of anticipation, and foresight can be a very good strategical advantage... GARY F EVANS... When we hear of guerilla warfare we think WAR but wait where is the guerilla, it is humans fighting ... GARY F EVANS... To know oneself is to have self control of your own feelings and actions for these alone are the bui... GARY F EVANS... The functionality of a leader is to lead and be a good leader so people can look to you for the way ... GARY F EVANS... We have found through our research and knowledge that spacetime is controlled or moves on a superflu... GARY F EVANS...